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Free Download Game PC God Of War 2 Rip Version 100% work

KrAt0s, the G0d 0f War, is still haunted by nightmarEs ab0ut his past and is shunned by the other g0ds for his destructive ways. Ignoring Athena's warnings, Kratos j0ins the Spartan army in an attack on Rhodes, during which a giant eagle suddenly drains him 0f his p0wers and animates the Colossus of Rhodes. While battling the statue, Zeus 0ffers Kratos the Blade of 0lympus in 0rder t0 defeat it, requiring Kratos t0 infuse the blade with the remaindEr 0f his g0dly p0wer. Although now human, Kratos defeats the C0lossus, but is m0rtally wounded. The eagle reveals itself t0 be Zeus, who states he was f0rced to intervene as Athena refused to do so. Zeus then grants Kratos a final opportunity t0 be loyal to the g0ds, but Kratos refuses. Zeus kills him with the blade and destroys the Spartan army.

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System Requirements :

OS: Windows Xp,Vista,7
Processor: Intel Core®2 Duo 2.6 GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Video Memory: 512 MB
Hard Drive: 3 GB HD space
Sound: DirectX compatible.
DVD Rom Drive

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