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Free Download Game PC Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 Full Version 100% work

ThE game's st0ry line stArts 0ff with the United States Armed F0rces being caught completely off guard by thE sudden massive Soviet invasion 0f the United States, with Soviet aircraft, naval vessels, amphibi0us forces, and paratroopers coming in on both the East C0ast and West Coast and with the maj0rity of Soviet ground f0rces coming in through Mexico, which had recently voted in a c0mmunist government. The USA attempts to retaliate with the use 0f nuclear missiles, but Yuri, leader 0f the Soviet Psychic C0rps and Premier Romanov's top advisor, uses his mind control to manipulate the personnel chargEd with launching the warheads and leaves them to explode in thEir silos. Within hours, the USA Is overrun with Red Army tr00ps. In response, the US President Michael Dugan establishes An emergency response team headed by General Carville and the Commander known as 'The Ghost' [the player] t0 the S0viet army later in the game.

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System Requirements :

OS: Windows XP,Vista,7
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 1.4 Ghz
Memory: 512 MB
Hard Drive: 900 MB
Video Memory: 64 MB
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
DVD Rom Drive

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